Happy New Year!
For Merriness Greyhounds,
we are starting this new year with only
one greyhound, Lisa!
But Lisa is not just anyone,
she is a
Swedish Show Champion
Danish Show Champion
Danish Junior Champion and
Roskildewinners' 2022.
She is also Swedish Lure Coursing Champion
Danish Lure Coursing Champion and
Norweigen Champion!
Do we have to say we are so proud!!!!
But most of all, more importent than every titles,
she is the most lovely, kind and funniest greyhound you can imagine!
We love you so much, our "Lisa"...

We lost both her parents in 2022...
"Albert", Ch Telegram Another Story
"Line", CIB Another Story Waiting For The Sun
We hope they now are running free

We will always miss you!
11/1 2023
Here is the result of 2022....

We have a lot of snow
"Lisa " and "Bonnie" loves it...

We have a great slope down, the kids love to go sledding
(And their mother.....)

Julia & Jacob, two of our grandchildren 

and the Snowman...

Time to bath... This is Blue-Ducks...

"Bonnie has ful control... "Lisa" not...

One sunny day with "Lisa" and her best friend
Bonnie,a danish swedish farmerdog,
Svanvikens I Have A Dream...

I think "Bonnie" is a future Lure Coursing dog...
She struggles desperately with her little legs to keep up with "Lisa"...

They have the same pattern...

The very best photo...

Spring is in the air...
And the sheets are on the line...Wonderfull...

1/3 2023
Nice visitors today...

"Lisa" is very patient...

and beautiful... 

and crazy...

3/3 2023
Now it's time for some photos of the ducks and the chickens
here on the farm...
We don't own them, but we take care of them as much as we can.
It's our son John and his wife Lizette who are the happy owner...
This is "ÅKE", he is a "myskduck"....

And her is his fiance, "ROSA"...

And "Åke"...

All the chickens want the sunflowerseed...

Just look at these eggs...
from the chickens and from the ducks..

Today we saw this sparrowhawk...
You can see that he still has a rest of the little blackbird in his mouth...

6/4 2023
Happy Easter!
16 /4 2023
Today we meet our good friends from Denmark,
Kirsten and Kim
and "Lisas" good friend Xylos...
Lure Coursing in Sjöbo

21/4 2023
Today we have been together in 50 years...
and still in love....

26/4 2023
Today "ROSA" became a mother of five...
Have you ever seen anything so sweet???

1/5 -2023
"Lisa" is very pleased with her new PT
(personal trainer) Ebba...
VM in Lure Coursing is in the beginning of July...

8/5 2023
Today it isn't a comman day,
it's Lisa's Birthday...
5 years...

And she got a very good piece of a Birthdaycake...

19 maj 2023
Lisa's brother come to visit...
Merriness First In Line, "Charlie"

He's six years in August...

23 juni 2023
The event for Midsommer for the whole village at our farm !

I think we did it very well....or...?

"Lisa" has to follow from the window...

This is "Lisa's" litterbrother "Eddie"!
Merriness First Choice
He had a very unlucky day when he sat down on his tail!
He was so very happy when a man he likes very much came to visit them
The tail was broken and he needed an operation.
So now he just have a little bit left.
Poor "Eddie", but he is a stunning dog,
very patient so everything has gone well...
He got a very good nurse at home too...

This is his favoriteplace...

28/6 2023
It's big day!!!!
Now we are leaving för
FCI World Championship
Lure Coursing

Pictures from VM are on the side LC...
18/7 2023
The big Familymeeting...All our 8...
Felicia ,Julia, Moa, Ebba, Clara o Stina
Jacob o Eddie

All 8 with parents and grandparents...

Stina, Linda and Bestemor...

Lovely day...

26/7 2023
"Lisa" o "Bonnie"

I give up.......Bonnie says...

Haha....Just kidding...

We have lot of work, pust...

1/8 2023
Today we are having some theatre for all the children in the village...
"Lisa" is very interested...

"Bonnie", "Edwin" and "Lisa"...in Moheda

And this is a very good friend to "Lisa",The "Sockerpullan".
She delieveres an egg every day, among the flowers...

18/8 2023

20/8 2023
Today we have two Birthdayscelebrants...HURRA!!!!!!
1.Our first little puppy " Charlie",
Merriness First In Line".....
6 years
Owner Petra Stigemyr

and 2. our daydog "Bonnie",
Svanvikens I Have A Dream....
2 years
Owners Lizette & John

26/8 2023
today it's The Villageday of Åryd..
So this is the way you can
go around among the several attractions...
Now here and visit "Kvarnens Gårdsbutik"...

"Ylva" . She is an ardenner...

After the nationell Shows on Öland
we went up to the north end of the island
So beautiful....

20/9 2023
The ultrasound today didn't show so many puppies,
so we cross our fingers there will be a little one for us

25 okt 2023
The beautiful baby Boy is here.....

He has got a side of his own, please see "Oliver"
1/12 2023

Now it's winter and my favoritebird is here...

The grass in the garden is frosty.
We have beautiful visitors today, two swans...
Can you see them, "Lisa" sees them...

Our neibors two cats, Zelda and Link...
And they are so welcome here too...

Winter night....Our home 

4/12 2023
The whole family are celebrating
"Stinas" birthday, 4 years...
It was tooooo cold for familyphoto...

Jacob, soon 5, loves the snow!
Luckily some does...

15/12 2023
So much snow...

23/12 2023
It's not easy with the little photomodels...ha ha...

But I think we succeded to the end...

Here's the next photomodel.....

Merry Christmas...

The officiell Christmasphoto...

You can't have a big tree
when you have a puppy in the house...
But I think it's beautiful anyway...

Jacob and Julia loves the snow...

And the whole Olssonfamily nextdoor (our youngest sons)
says Merry Christmas...
Lizette, Bonnie, Julia,Clara, Felicia,John, Jacob and Ebba...

Eddie and Santa... Who wins??????

4 cousins...
Ebba, Moa, Julia and Clara...