2/1 2022
Another Story White Summer Beach "Line", 10 years and
her daughter
Merriness Easy Choice "Lisa", 3,5 years


6/1 2021
Wonderful weather today...
Not so cold and the sun is shining.And snow!!
All three loves it, running free all day and we like it too...

This is our beloved and beautiful "dogfamily",
SE DK UCh DKJCh SELC Ch Merrines Easy Choice,
"Lisa", 3,5 years and her parents
SBIS CIB NORD Ch NJV-12 SE VV-19 Another Story White Summer Beach
"Line", 10,5 years
SBIS SE DK NO UCh Telegram Another Story, "Albert", 6,5 years...

It's mine, no it's mine, no it's mine...


"Lisa Larsson"

Sometimes "Line" has to follow the youngsters
wild play from inside...
but she doesn't like it...
Can you see her???

8/1 2022
Oh no, more snow today...

10/1 2022
Lisa tries to scare the fox, that is on the ice...

Today we are babysitters to little "Bonnie"...
She is not still for that long so it is possible to take a picture
of her without the image being blurred..."Line"


and "Lisa"...
I think little "Bonny" sleeps well in the afternoon...

Svanvikens I have A Dream, "Bonny", 4,5 month...

17/1 2021
When "Line", 10,5 is having her gymnastic pass...

It was very windy tonight....

Luckily we have a strong fence...

Today is a very varm and nice day...No snow left...

Albert has been at the dentist...

5/2 2022
This is flying Albert...

6/2 Restlegs legs....

But what they are doing here, I don't know....

Always close...."Lisa" and "Line"...and I...

"Albert" takes what he can find to cuddle with...

The farm receives morning visit from the fox....can you see him?
But he had no luck today!
SE DK UCh SE LC Ch Merriness Easy Choice, "Lisa"

8/2 2022
Today we are baby- or "dogsitting" to Svanvikens I Have A Dream,
"Bonnie" soon six month...Danish Swedish Farmdog...
and she is the dog of the Farm....
She has a bunch of energi, so she has exercised our three today...
And they just love her....
She plays with them totally without respect for their size,
she is tough and just wonderful...

Mirror, mirror on the wall.....

Oh yes, I can sleep...

11/2 2022
Guess who is coming to visit today?...

20/2 2022
The Grand Old Lady, "Fina Line", 10 years, soon eleven...
Another Story White Summer Beach, "Line"...

This is "Albert", SE o DK o NO UCH Telegram Another Story,
soon seven years...

I love to open the window and see the chickens outside,
then you know you lives in the countryside...

And they love sunbathing...

5/3 2022
Now there is a lot of water...
Mats has to put the boat in for try to save a goose.....
The fox tryed to take a goose "Snowwhite" with him,
but we run after and screamed so high,
so he got scared and released the goose a bit away from the farm....
The goose was afraid to come home, she sleept on an island two nights,
then John could catch
and save her...

Bonnie is coming
She and Lisa have the same movement patterns...

Now it's time to say Good Night....

3/4 2022
Today we had a great day at the first
National Lure Coursing Trial for the year in N Åsum
"Lisa" competed with "Xylos" from Denmark...
Here's "Xylos" and his family...
So nice to meet you...

27/4 2022
"Fine Line"
, soon 11 years...

24/4 2022
Great news today!!!!!

4/5 2022 Now it's a little bit greener... "Lisa" and "Albert"...

5/5 2022
Today it´s Albert's birthday...Hurra! Hurra!
7 years!!

8/5 2022
And today it's Lisa's birthday...Hurra! Hurra!
4 years!!

And ofcourse it's "Eddies" birthday too!
We made him a speciel card...
Happy Birthday !

And here he is...we got this beautiful photo today...
Thank you Maria!

14/5 2022
Wedding annerversery 45 years

We spent this speciell day in Denmark!
At first at the Roskilde Winner Show,
"Lisa" got CACIB, BIM and became a Roskilde Winner 2022!!!!!
Then we spend the evening at Helle with nordic friends,
Tore from Norway and Lotte also from Denmark.
We had a really great Day , good food; we eat cod from Lofoten.....WoW!!!

And we got this beautiful flowers from Helle, thank you...

When you think that you are bigger
(and stronger) than you are...

17/5 2022
Today it's the big "Hair-cut-day"...
It's like a carpet..

But the results is wonderful!
So nice with my new costym,
thinks the new little one, "Ronja"...
21/5 2022
Beautiful place for the show today...

25/5 2022
Today with the post...We are very proud...

26/5 2022
Now we are leaving for
VM in Lure Coursing, Kalajoki, Finland

We had a very nice trip over the sea...
I think Lisa enjoyed it aswell...

But she didn't like the toilet...??????

But they have very good pancakes...

After a long day and night
we are here at
The Lokkilinna Hotel in Kalajoki...

Lisa enjoyed this hotel too....

Lovely place for the competition...

5/6 2022
Nice to bee back home again...

All our

Stina,Clara,Felicia,Moa,Julia,Ebba,Jacob and Eddie

24/6 2022
Midsommer in our yard for the village....
So many happy people, so nice to see...
and dancing to the accordianplayer...a lovely day...

28/6 2022
It's nice to take a bath after the walk. Lisa loves it...

to the galleri..