Happy New Year!
If everything goes as planned, 2021 will be a absolutely fantastic year !
DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice, "Lisa" 

2/1 2021
SUCH DKUCH NUCH Telegram Another Story, "Albert"

3/1 2021
A very nice start of this year!
We don’t know if there will be an European Champion Chip 2021 in Hungary but if,
we have two of our Greyhounds, one from our own breeding,
that qualified in the original team 
DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice as number three in the team and
SE DK NO UCH Telegram Another Story as number ONE

With a little help from Photoshop.....just love the Bullfinch

7/1 2021
The first snow of the year...

Ch Another Story White Summer Beach "Line" 9,5 years and
her daughter
DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice "Lisa" 2,5 years...

Lisa also wants to go sledding with our grandchildren...

Practical with its own hill...Here's the start..

28/1 2021
Snow, snow and more snow....

CIB Another Story White Summer Beach "Line" 9,5 years
is like a puppy in the snow...

SBIS SE DK NO CH Telegram Another Story "Albert" 5,5 years
and his daughter DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice "Lisa" 2,5 years...

DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice "Lisa" 2,5 years...

29/1 Beautiful and very noisy visitors today...

8/2 2021 Just Lisa.....

An ordinary day at The Farm.......
Lisa says "Hello" to our sheep...

and to the neighbours Ducks....

Maybe she needs to scare some wild ducks aswell....

Or just run...or fly...or stand...or lay down...

And when we need some brandnew eggs,
we just go down the hill to the mill...
There lives our youngest son with his family...and...

This is some of The Happy Chicken!
They are very curious, but what happens now?

All gone...
They don't want to say hello to Lisa....
Wonder why?
She is so kind...

Here's the youngest member of the family...
Julia Mary (after grandmother
) Elisabeth...

Even Albert loves the snow...so soft ...

And now Line has finished her running for today....
I want to come in....please...

Today we're checking the teeth....."Lisa" & "Line"...

"Lisa" & "Albert"

DK NO SE UCH Telegram Another Story, "Albert"...

22/2 2021
The Spring is here...

Our beautiful "Albert",
SBIS SE DK NO UCH Telegram Another Story...

And "Fina Line",
SBIS CIB NJV12 Another Story White Summer Beach
soon 10 years ...

And their beautiful daughter "Lisa",
DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice...

Six paws in the air...

Eight paws in the air...

Our new kennelboy, Jacob 2 years...

News! News! News!
Now we wait for puppies!!!

Happy Easter!

Out in our Garden...

"Line", "Lisa" & "Albert"...

"Lisa" is always number 1...

How many legs ??? or dogs ???

Nice to have our sheeps outside the door...
Ull-rika ULL-veklint ULL-sson...

They are all waiting for the hairdresser...

Our little cat, "Siri", almost 15 years...

27/4 2021
Maybe the Spring is here....again?
"Lisa" & "Albert"...

"Lisa" & "Line"...

Waiting for the train together....
Jacob & "Line"

Lock "Line", the train is coming...can you see?

Julia...1 year

And here is all our eight <3 <3 <3

I think Stina will be a footballplayer....

5/5 2021
Happy Birthday "Albert", 6 years today...

Our new logotype arrived today... It's a portrait of "Line", made by me...

6/5 2021
Six trees away...

And here is our new view...

Happy Birthday "Lisa", 3 years today...

Here's a lot of birds...
Canadiengoose with one little baby and the Grey goose with six babies...

19/5 2021
nice visitors...Jacob and his little sister Julia

20/5 2021
Today it's a big day-it's the haircutday...
I think the sheep now think they lock like a greyhound...

"Line" will play with ULL-rika ULL-veklint ULL-sson,
but I don't think they want the same thing...

"Albert" try to frighten her instesd, poor ULL-rika...


23/5 2021
Today it was a big day for our youngest son
John and his wife Lizette!
They opened up their "KVARNENS GÅRDSBOD",
and the big newspaper was here...

Some of The Lohmann's...brown eggs...

24/5 Just an ordinary day...All three of them...



The view from our bedroomswindow...

And here are we and "Lisa", DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice...

26/5 2021
Just an ordinary day...

6/5 2021
At last.....LC training

DKJCH Merriness Easy Choice, "Lisa"...

And her brother....
Merriness First In Line, "Charlie"...
Äg Petra Stigemyr


23/7 2021
We have a small slope down to the neighbor and the pond.
There, the grey Goose with their four
kids like to be and eat grass.
Lisa and Line just inspect of course....:) or??

Jacob is a very generous little boy...
and Albert is very satisfied with that...

and Line too...
grandmothers rhubarb cake is very good....

So Lisa try to get it from the cheek of Julia...

Some of the flowers in our Garden....

Our favourite; The light of the night...

27/6 2021
Some LC training...

and her flying brother "Charlie"...

30/6 2021
Last day in june 2021...
"Lisa" & "Albert"

Now we have had the premiere tour in our caravan...
They loved it- all so cloose together...

Why did we thougt this was our beds...

"In a red little cottage next to the lake we want to live"...

and we dooooo....

When the grandchildren see their grandpa...

7/8 2021
Is this what you can call "produced near by"?
It's just beside our stairs on the front side of the house:)
Little chicken "Gullan" choosed our place...

8/8 2021
After the running on track on Cimbria, Simrishamn,
we went to the seaside, but it was cold in the water...

14/8 2021
Merriness First In Line, "Charlie"

Owner: Petra Stigemyr

18/8 2021
Great news today!!
National Team Sweden!!
We are so proud of our "Lisa"...

22/8-23/8 2021
Finally Showtime...
Backamo, Ljungskile SKK Nordic o INT
"Lisa" Merriness Easy Choice , Cert, Nordiskt Cert,
Best of Breed, 3:a Best in Group
Thanks to judge: Bengt-Åke Bogren

Lots of

Why can't I go with you..."Line"

There can't be a more coronasafe place on a show...
All alone...

2/9 2021
This is one of our hobbies, to see, to pick, to eat...

And here is the greatest hobby of them all, "Lisa"...

How sweet are they????
Myskankan "Snowwhite",with her brandnew eight small ...

5/9 2021
Dont disturb, we are having a meeting ....
At first we play, then we can run...

It's nice with company when you are exercising...

The "lure" is chasing "Lisa" and "Albert",
I thought it was the opposite??

The Wildwine is beautiful...

"Fina Line", ten years...

This is our bath for the butterflies...
But I thought it was a bath for the birds...
You have to read the description...

12/9 2021
This is a brandnew Swedish Lure Coursing Champion...
SE UCh DK UCh DKJCh Merriness Easy Choice, "Lisa"
Three championtitels in three weeks....

More rewards...

21/10 2021 Een, The Netherlands....
EM European Coursing Championship 2021
"Lisa Larsson"
Merriness Easy Choice
place number six in a very strong starting field
We are so proud!
Pictures on the lc page...

I think this is a beautiful photo taken by
Kristiina Tammik,
"The Swedish Greyhoundteam"
"Lisa" is the only greyhound who has liscens
and competes in Sweden,
so it's so pleased to see her so very good in competition
with the best dogs in Europa...

Here we are...
Mrs & Mr Olsson...and "Lisa"...

Team Sweden...

Dutch cheese...

Vero Rivet from France in front of the barrel organ...

The Veterinary check...

Some of the Swedish Cheerleaders...

A long time waiting for the priceawards...

Do we have to say we are very proud of this T-shirt...

Sweden meets Denmark and Finland...

Very good!
It was many very, very small round "thing"
like a panncake/puff pustry.
Served on a plate...

3/11 2021
Today we are babysitting "Bonnie", Svanvikens I Have A Dream...
The new dog on The Farm,
John o Lizette's Danish Swedish Farmdog....
10 weeks...

-"I wish I have legs as long as you "Lisa"..."

Oh yes, I do....

Today we are in local newspaper...
Lisa är flerfaldig mästare: ”Hon är både snygg och snabb”
För två veckor sedan tog greyhounden Lisa en sjätteplats i Europeiskt mästerskap i Lure coursing och hon har dessutom två mästerskap i utställning.
– Det finns ingen greyhound som inte älskar det, säger Mats Olsson, ägare och ordförande i Svenska greyhoundklubben.
ÅRYD Det blir liv i luckan när Smålandsposten kommer till huset vid vägens ände i Åryd där hunden Lisa bor med sin mamma, pappa, husse och matte. Glada svansar viftar på hög frekvens och viljan att hälsa vittnar om sprudlande energi.
– Kom in, kom in, säger Brith Olsson, matte till de tre hundarna som möter i dörren.
Hon förklarar att rasen är sådan. På och av i energin vilket snart visar sig när hundarna tryggt lägger sig till rätta i huset. Treåriga greyhounden Lisa, som kallas Lisa Larsson, travar lugnt fram till fikabordet för att delta i sammankomsten.
– Man ser det på tävlingarna hur hundarna går igång när elmotorn startar, säger Mats Olsson, husse och ordförande i Svenska greyhoundklubben.
För två veckor sedan deltog Lisa i European coursing championship och slutade som sexa i sin klass. Det är en tävling för alla vinthundar och innebär att de jagar ett byte på ett öppet fält.
– Förr hade man harar eller kaniner som hundarna sprang efter men nu är det en eldriven maskin med en trasa som sköter det, säger Mats Olsson.
Banan är upp till en kilometer lång och läggs ut i förväg på ett öppet fält där hundarna springer två och två i ett sicksackmönster. Bedömningen görs av domare som sitter längs banan och de ser över flera kategorier som ingår i värderingen.
– Hundarna som springer två och två ska samarbeta med varandra. Det är något som domarna tittar noga på. Dessutom bedöms rörlighet, entusiasm, fart och uthållighet.
Lisa älskar att tävla och hon har tränats ända sedan hon var liten. Då mest kondition eftersom jagandet finns i sinnet redan vid födseln. Det gäller bara att trigga igång jaktinstinkten.
– Vi cyklar flera mil i veckan och hundarna leker väldigt mycket här hemma. Även det är en bra träning, säger Brith Olsson.
– Det är viktigt för hundarna att vara smidiga och väl tränade, annars har de inte en chans. Loppet varar bara i någon minut och väl i mål är hundarna helt slutkörda, tillägger Mats Olsson.
I loppet i Holland för två veckor sedan kammade Lisa hem en sjätteplats som imponerade stort på både ägarna och domarna.
– En domare sa: Jag fick rysningar. Hon ägde hela banan, berättar Mats Olsson och skrattar.
Lika mycket som Lisa tycker om att jaga trasor som svensk Lure coursing champion älskar hon också utställningar. Två gånger har hon blivit utställningschampion både i Danmark och i Sverige.
– Hon är inte bara snabb utan snygg också, säger matte Britha Olsson.
Lotta Eliasson

Foto David Johansson
2/12 2021
So much snow today...
"Lisa" loves it very much....

Poor "Lisa"...

But it's very cosy indoors...

More snow and more photos...

It is good that at least someone likes all the snow...

"Lisa" & "Albert"...

ULL-icia, ULL-rica and Ull-a-Marie
ULL-veklint ULL-sson...

"Lisa", CH Merriness Easy Choice and
the dog next door (John & Lizettes')
"Bonnie", Svanvikens I Have A Dream are BFF....
Amazing that they can play together.
"Lisa" is very carefull...

And then came "Charlie", Merriness First In Line
and his owner Petra Stigemyr....
I just say all the dogs are very tired tonight!!!

"Charlie","Lisa","Line" and "Albert"...

Oh yes, we know....

Today it's a very sad day!
We have to say goodbye to our beloved little cat, "Siri"

We will miss you forever, little "Siri"
We love you....

24/12 2021
Merry Christmas...

The two smallest members of our family, Jacob and Julia...
At least they belieev in Santa, but who dosn't....?

When you had to improvise the Christmas celebration...
Santaporridge is great to eat out too...

25/12 2021 The Christmas Day...
Very, very cold outside, but beautiful - 16

Dracula???? No, it's just Line...

26/12 2021

Merriness Easy Choice...

And her mother
"Fina "Line", 10,5 years!
Another Story White Summer Beach...

And her father "Albert"
SBIS SE DK NO Ch Telegram Another Story...

to the galleri...