
Now we are planning for something else...So exiting...

We mated "Lisa" 22/8 2023
and now we are hoping for puppies...
We have loocking so long for the right male for "Lisa"!
We wanted an old and healthy greyhound with perfect pedigree!
And we find him...
We have choosed a beautiful male from
Australia who become 14 years.He died 2020
Many thanks to his
Kristine Coralluzzo,
knl Xilone,Australien
and to
Tormod Rist, knl Telegram that made
this possible...

11/10 2023
We are waiting and "Lisa's" stomach is growing...

We have done ultrasound
and there is one little puppy...

It's definitely ok with us,
we are so happy for this little one.
We have had one puppy once before,
and there was no problem...

25 oktober 2023
The long avaited day is here.....

A beautiful little baby boy is born at Merriness'
He has everything we wished for...

Father: Aus Ch Xilone Eye of The Tiger, "Oliver"
Merriness Easy Choice, "Lisa"

He is stubborn, strong, active and absolut georgious...
And we love him already so much...

We call him "Oliver"...

"Lisa" is a fantastic mother...

"Lisa " decided very quickly to use our bed
as a puppybox...
She hasn't locked at the box we thought she would have!
The biggest puppybox in the world for one puppy...
(Please, don't tell anyone...)

30/10 2023 5 days...


Now I am one week old and I am growing very fast.
The weight today is 1240 g....

This is the best place....

3/11 2023 10 days...

It has been some very nice days with
"Oliver" and "Lisa" in our bed,
but now he is soon running,
so now it has to bee that ordinare puppybox...

And it's ok...

He is the most wunderful puppy in the world....


"Lisa" don't leave him more than five
minutes, when she had to...

8/11 2023
Two weeks today and
2,3 kg of the most wonderful puppy in the world...

A tiny little bit of eyes...

9/11 2023
Now I can see you

Now he has got his "real" name...

This is Ebba, our grandchild, she loves "Oliver" too...

The most beautiful little boy....

He loves his mom, and his mom loves him...

Tomorrow "Oliver" is three weeks!
Moa, another of our grandchild thinks he is small...

15/11 2023
But his weight is 3,3 kg today...

He has his mom always near...

When our cat moved out little "Oliver" moved in...

and moved out...

No problem to cut the razor sharp claws...

I don't know why we have a hut for "Oliver" and a pasture.
He is still with us all the time,
and his favorite sleeping spot is under our bed...

Now it won't be long until he
can jump up on the sofa himself...

Love u...

Mom, here I come...

I see the breakfast....and the dinner...


Merriness Rocketman...5v


But I'm not always so nice to my mum...
She has something good to bite on...

Oh, what are you doing there??
I don't think "Link" appreciate the visitor...

First day outside...Snow???
Thank you so much Vonne for my warm coat!

My new friend, "Bonnie" came to visit
and we played, and we played, and we played...

We are almost the same size...

"Lisa" supervises...



With snow on my nose and tongue right in my mouth,
I'm in a big big hurry!
I it's so cold...

Oh, don't you think I look dangerous...

No, I'm not!
I'm actually quite nice....Or...

Oh, so tired...

18/12 2023
Today Jacob and Julia come and sayed
"Hello little Oliver"...

For The Greyhound Newspaper...

The officiell Christmasphoto 2023...

It's snowing, it's snowing and snowing...

If you're lucky,
you can have a snuggletime with "Oliver"...

12 v

Now the most pictures of "Oliver" are in The Gallery 2024


15/3 2024
Now I'm a big boy

4/9 2024